I’ve seen a lot of incorrect information about these creatures in the game, so I decided to put together a guide listing all the things I’ve found the Dogs will and will not react to.
Guide to Be Quiet
This is just going to be a list of things they can hear, and things they can’t, from my own experience and testing.
They will attack and kill you if they make contact with you at all, so just because they didn’t hear you doesn’t mean they won’t just wander into you by coincidence and kill you anyway.
What Can the Eyeless Dog Hear?
- Running.
- Walking (not as well as running).
- Your voice (obviously).
- The sound of items being dropped (it doesn’t matter how big they are, but larger items, such as two handed scrap items or the Ladder, seem to attract them from further)
- Stun Grenades (spent grenades work as well).
- The roars of other Eyeless Dogs.
- The Ship’s Loud Horn.
- Airhorns and Clown Horns.
- Any scrap item that makes ambient noise.
- The sound of the Extension Ladder falling.
- The transport rocket.
- The sound of a Flashlight being toggled on or off.
- The sound of a Shovel or Sign hitting something.
- The Boombox.
- Radar Boosters being turned on.
- Radar Boosters being pinged (if they’re close enough).
- Manticoils flying away when disturbed.
What Can’t the Eyeless Dog Hear?
Or at least, what do they not react to
- The sound a Walkie-Talkie makes when you use it and finish using it.
- Any voice or sound on the other end of a Walkie-Talkie.
- The sound of a Walkie-Talkie being toggled on and off.
- The beeping an Extension Ladder makes before it retracts.
- Other creatures (They attack Baboon Hawks, but only if provoked).
- The sound of a player hitting the ground (This also means they can’t hear you jumping).
- The ship’s doors opening and closing.
- The pin being pulled on a Stun Grenade.
- Walking while crouched (I have crouch-walked circles around Eyeless Dogs to test this. If they can hear it at all, you’d probably have to be inside the dog).
More Guides:
- Lethal Company – How to Deal with a Thread Man Encounter
- Lethal Company – How to Use Cash Register
- Lethal Company – Guide to Lesser Known Monster Behavior
- Lethal Company – Expanding Lobby Size Guide: How to Play with More Than 4 Players
- Lethal Company – Easy Guide to Be the Best Employee