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This mom didn’t win breast dressed.
A British woman shared her disastrous experience of her plunging cleavage stealing the show at her son’s seventh birthday last month — and the hate she’s received because of it.
Raquel Dicuru — a 37-year-old mother from Kent — hosted her son’s b’day bash and later noticed that her chest was unintentionally put on display.
After her sister-in-law filmed her lighting the candles on the birthday cake, she saw unintended cleavage appear in her purple dress in front of several rambunctious kids.
Dicuru shared the moment on TikTok, hilariously captioning it: “When you didn’t realize your boobies were stealing the spotlight at your son’s birthday party until you saw pics and vid later that evening!”
However, viewers branded her as “indecent” and claimed she was trying to “find a husband” with her outfit.
The mother of two slammed her haters in a follow-up video, declaring that none of the party guests noticed her reveal until she saw the video footage from the soirée later that night.
“Why would you even wear that to a kid’s birthday party?” one critic said in the comments. Another added: “Women ALWAYS know when they’re hanging out.”
“Not smart enough to wear something at a kid’s party. She must be looking for a single dad,” one person wrote.
Dicuru told South West News Service she was just simply “living in the moment and singing happy birthday to my son.”
“I just thought it was funny that we were all unaware [of my cleavage] and I posted it online because I thought it was funny and got a shock when I saw the reaction,” she continued.
“It’s like when people walk out of a toilet with paper hanging onto their shoe. It’s funny,” the assistant ability consultant joked.
Dicuru also looked back at the hateful comments she received after posting her TikTok, explaining they were “angry” and “they thought it was outrageous.”
“They were questioning what sort of person I was, if I was looking for a husband,” Dicuru said, adding that she’s happily married.
The comments posted were mostly from men, however, she also had people defending her and telling the trolls to “lighten up.”
One person had written: “Sorry, don’t see anything wrong. If you go to the beach, you see a lot more flesh,” while another said: “Why is everyone hating…it’s just a basic sundress?”
“Wow, some of these comments. It’s a funny situation, folks. Life happens and they are just boobs. Laugh a little,” another supporter said.
But the Brit doesn’t “mind too much” regarding her critics as “these people don’t know me. If they knew me, they’d know I’m not like that.”
While Dicuru won’t stop wearing the clothes she wants to, she did question her wardrobe choices after reading the hate.
She revealed: “Deep down, the harsh comments did make me question what I wear. But then I thought ‘No, they’re the ones who have a problem with it.’ “
“It’s funny how people are angry at skin. Half of the world has boobs. I don’t know why it’s so taboo,” she continued. “This hasn’t put me off wearing the sundress. I’m not indecent — I like to dress nice for the body that I have.”
Dicuru then pointed out that “nobody should be shaming me or anybody else for what we wear or what we want to show.”
“I’m just showing a bit of boob or a bit of a leg,” she said. “It’s hot, I don’t have to cover up so that other people can be comfortable.”