Rebirth (Naruto Fanfic) | Bulbagarden

June 2024 · 13 minute read

Rebirth CH 2​

The sun rose steadily in the horizon, stirring Madara from his sleep. Madara looked around the room he shared with his wife, Hitomi, and slowly rose from his bed in order to let her sleep a bit more. Madara began placing his clothes on, forgoing the use of his maroon armor for now. The Uchiha leader looked outside, at the rising sun overlooking a massive tree-or was it a branch?-, and wondered to himself.

Could things have been different? If magic and spells had not been discovered, had the demons just stayed in Makai and not taught Humanity the tools for their own destruction, would the Uchiha still be fighting the Senju? Madara knew that would be true, the Uchiha and Senju would always fight, like the Ocean and Sky, Heaven and Hell, the two worlds never meant to clash, but did, and so death came soon after to provide tranquility...It had said so much on the Great Stone Tablet of the Uchiha...

Madara chuckled softly to himself. Philosophy was more of Izuna's pastime, Madara was always more focused on protecting the clan. Madara was shaken from his thoughts when he heard his wife's voice. "You're chuckling again." Madara turned back to look at his wife as she rose from bed, the covers falling to expose her for the world to see. Hitomi saw him looking and stretched, doing wonders for her breasts and causing Madara to get a faint blush.

Madara coughed into his hand in embarrassment, and spoke rather quickly. "My chuckling is little compared to your habit of trying to fluster me."

Hitomi smirked. "We both know I only do that in the room. You randomly chuckling about things might look bad for my image, Shinju forbid."

Madara sighed. "For the last time, Hitomi, it's Kami-Sama. There is no such thing as Shinju." Madara resisted the urge to flinch back under Hitomi's reproaching glare, enhanced by her Sharingan, only breathing a sigh of relief when she went to get dressed. Despite being a powerful Uchiha warrior, (nowhere near the level of Madara and Izuna of course, but then again, no Uchiha was), she was a follower of a strange religion, that of the 'Shinju'. This was just one of many reasons why the Uchiha clan as a whole gave cries of disapproval to their marriage, though not the most glaring.

Hitomi came back into the room, dressed in a form-fitting black high-collared, long sleeve mantle that split down the lower half, and black sandals. Hitomi brushed her black hair out of her face, than spoke dangerously. "I don't care about Kami-Sama. Shinju-Sama gifted us with magic and spells, so I will treat it with respect. You and your silly theories of demons..." Hitomi shook her head, and Madara sighed. There was never winning an argument with her.

Anything that might have been said died at their throats as a fierce pounding rocked their door, and Izuna ran inside with a look of horror on his face. "Madara-aniki! The Senju are attacking the eastern compound!" A look of rage passed over Madara's face, as he grabbed his Gunbai. Madara looked to Izuna and Hitomi, and spoke quickly. "Izuna, prepare a squad to lend support. If that bastard Tobirama is there, I need you and Hitomi to fight him...I will face Hashirama."

A look of shock passed over Izuna and Hitomi's faces as they heard the name Hashirama. They only knew rumours about the Senju leader, and those rumours weren't good. Some spoke of a strange magic relying on creating wood, and a connection to Nature itself. He supposedly had a high aptitude in Medical spells, an amount of magic never seen before in any living creature, said to be equal to a Kami No Ude (Arm of God). Izuna was the first to recover, nodded, then raced out of the room to fulfill his brother's order. Hitomi took a bit longer to get over her shock before drawing Madara into a fierce hug.

"Be careful...I know you're strong, but that man is known as a Kami in his own careful, Madara-kun..." Hitomi spoke softly, and Madara pulled her into a deep kiss.

The two stayed that way for a few minutes, before Madara broke contact. "I will be fine, Hime. So will you." The couple smiled at each other, before breaking out of the hug and gathering their gear. Madara nodded, and the two set off towards the eastern hideout with Izuna and a squad of clansmen following close behind.


"Any word, Tobirama?" Hashirama asked, tightening his red armor. His brother, sitting in a meditative position wearing blue armor, nodded and opened his eyes.

Tobirama spoke in dull voice, loud enough for Hashirama to hear, but soft enough not to be overheard. "A small squad of Uchiha is arriving to assist the Eastern Hideout...three large chakra signatures, one slightly larger than the may be their leader, Madara. They should arrive in about half an hour." Hashirama nodded, but did not speak. He had heard of Madara before, the leader of the Uchiha, the one person said to be his equal.

Hashirama cracked his neck, and stood in front of his small army of Senju. "Today, we will slaughter every Uchiha we see! After today, the Uchiha will realize the superiority of the Senju." Hashirama broke off in his speech, and looked at his men, a spoke again with a small smile adorning his features. "The founder of the Senju clan, said that Love is the key to peace, and that we should love our enemies as much as we love our friends. And that is true. But he also said that we should not Love blindly. Those unworthy of our Love do not deserve Peace. Those unworthy will be crushed under the might of the Senju!"

The army cheered, as Hashirama waved his arm towards the compound. His men poured from behind him, readying their strongest spells, feeling their magic flow through them. Tobirama withdrew a sword, and raced down the hill in a wave of water. Hashirama stayed still for a few minutes, before rushing down the hill himself, casting a spell to make branches emerge from the ground carrying him down the hill in an impressive display of power. 'No matter who interferes, whether it be Madara or Kami herself...' Hashirama thought with a small smile. 'The Uchiha will fall.'


Madara and the squad of Uchiha arrived to the Uchiha compound twenty minutes later, and it took all of Madara's will power not to blindly destroy everything in sight. Of course, there wasn't much left to destroy.

Dead bodies were everywhere, of men, women, and even children, some no older than two. A few Senju bodies could be spotted, and Madara kicked the head off of one as he continued walking through the compound. A scream filled the air from another side of the Compound, and Madara gestured to the noise with a hand, and the squad he brought with him jumped off to engage the threat. Madara stalked forward, removing his Gunbai from his back, and spoke in a low, angered tone. "Hitomi...Izuna...kill any Senju you find. I'm going straight to Hashirama." Madara gave no time for them to respond, running off swinging his kama and Gunbai and slaying any Senju in his path.

Hitomi and Izuna looked at each other, Hitomi removing her battle staff and Izuna, his Gunbai and Kama. They raced off throughout the Compound, finally reaching the center where they found a white-haired Senju killing using a mixture of swordsmanship and water magic. Izuna swung his Kama at the Senju, only for it to be knocked out of the way by a shield made of water. Tobirama turned his attention to the two Uchiha, and frowned.

Tobirama spoke silently, almost to himself. "You two got here faster than I expected. No matter," He said, holding his sword in a ready position. "I'll slay you just as easily." He rushed them, faster than the two Uchiha expected, and swung his sword down on top of Hitomi. Hitomi would have suffered a wound had Izuna not have swung his Gunbai forward to block the blow, having used his Sharingan in order to detect the path of the attack. Hitomi struck her battle staff from the underside of the Gunbai, striking through Tobirama's defenses and knocking him back.

Tobirama slid back, shooting a steady stream of water to slow himself. He slammed his hands together, harnessing his magic, before performing several handseals. "Water Magic: Spell: Water Dragon." The water on the ground from Tobirama's stream rose into the air, beginning to form into a dragon of water. Before it was fully formed, however, Hitomi struck it with her battle staff, disrupting the flow of magic and crashing the water back into the ground. Tobirama swung his sword up to block Izuna's Kama, than gripped the chain with his other hand and swinging both Kama and Izuna into the path of Hitomi, who was approaching with staff raised. The two Uchiha were knocked to the side, but Hitomi rose in time to block Tobirama's sword, who then jumped back to dodge a punch thrown by Izuna.

The two Uchiha held themselves ready, glaring slightly at Tobirama, who didn't seem to be tired in any way. The two Uchiha tightened their holds on their weapons, and rushed towards the younger Senju...just as a massive branch grew from the ground, blocking their path.

"Surely you didn't expect it to be so easy...Uchiha?"


Madara raced through the compound, his the tomoe in his sharingan spinning wildly as he tried to find some indicator of the leader of the Senju's presence. He saw traces of wood shavings, leading up to the corpse of an Uchiha woman, with a bundle in her arms. Madara felt sick at the sight. Both the mother and her child, impaled with a foot long wood spike. Madara placed his hands together, said a short prayer, before casting a low power fire spell to burn the body.

The Uchiha Patriarch continued his mad search, slaying any Senju that came across his path. Eventually, he made it to the edge of the compound. There were tree branches shooting from the ground, and Madara could still see traces of magic on them, a small shimmering filling the air. Madara studied the magic filling the air with his sharingan, trying to determine how long ago the magic was. "Ten minutes..." Said Madara, standing up from his crouched position. Madara was about to continue his search when a horrible feeling settled upon him. The last time he had felt this feeling was right before his father died...

"Izuna! Hitomi!" Madara yelled out, clutching his Gunbai and tearing through the compound, paying little attention to the many fights along the way. Madara prayed that he would make it in time, to both Kami and Shinju. 'Please...I can't lose anyone else.'


Izuna grabbed Hitomi away from a colossal wood branch, briefly pausing to swat a large blast of water from Tobirama. Hitomi swung her battle staff, preventing Hashirama from striking Izuna's back with a glowing fist, but failed to prevent a wooden block from extending from Hashirama's arm and striking Izuna in the ribs. Izuna was knocked back into the wall, coughing a gob of blood from his mouth.

Hitomi clutched her battle staff, her sharingan racing over the area analyzing everything in detail. Hashirama and Tobirama were standing calmly next to each, both sporting very few wounds considering everything. Hitomi rushed forward at the two brothers, swinging her battle staff to provide a defense against anything they would send out. Tobirama swung his sword down, keeping a deadlock with Hitomi's staff. Hitomi tried to catch Tobirama's eyes in a genjutsu, but the younger Senju was keeping a firm gaze on everywhere but her sharingan.

Hashirama had his hands together, calling for his magic. When he had a sufficient amount, he began making handseals. As he finished, he sighted Madara approaching the battle with fury in his eyes, smirked, and shot his spell at Madara instead. "Mokuton:Spell:Kami Ultimate Spear." Wood shot forth from his sleeves, forming a massive spear glowing with energy. The spear shot towards Madara, appearing only as a flash of light to those in the battle.

Madara, seeing the spear approaching at a great speed due to his Sharingan, swung his Gunbai in an attempt to block, but he knew it was futile...'Is this it?' Madara thought to himself, feeling all hope leaving from him. 'The End of Madara Uchiha...'

Blood spurt out of the wound, as Madara looked confusedly at the blood, having felt no pain. Looking forward, he stared into the shocked face of Tobirama. Madara's mind began racing at what had happened, as he remembered that he was nowhere near Tobirama, that was...Hitomi...

'No...NO!' Madara looked at where he was standing before, only to see Hitomi collapse on the ground, blood dripping from where the spear penetrated her internal organs. Madara pushed Tobirama back with a strength previously unknown to him, and ran to his wife's side. Madara looked at her wounds, despair clearly etched out on his face, as he felt his world crumble around him. "Why..." Madara said softly, holding the back of Hitomi's head, brushing her black hair with his fingers. "What...Why would you do that?"

Hitomi coughed blood from her mouth, and smiled, even as she was dying. "Baka...They need you...Shinju needs you...and...I needed you..." Hitomi reached a hand out to Madara, who clutched it as tears ran down his face, watching the woman he loved more than anything die, with him unable to do anything but watch. Madara leaned forward, and captured her lips one last time, as he felt her breathing slow, slow...stop...

Izuna watched this going on, tears rolling down his face, seeing Hitomi die and Madara beginning to break down, but he also knew a battle was going on. Izuna lunged up off of the ground, as his Sharingan evolved into the Mangekyo Sharingan. Hashirama tried to take advantage of Madara's distraction from battle by creating yet another Kami Ultimate Spear, which was shot towards Madara's back. Izuna, whose sight was suddenly a thousand times faster, felt blood rush down his face from his right eye. "AMATERASU!" he yelled, and black flames shot all over the spear, burning it to ash as Madara returned his attention to the battle.

Madara roared as he launched himself at Hashirama, his Sharingan transforming to the Mangekyo. He dodged out of the way of a blast of water from Tobirama, and used his Gunbai to swing hundreds of wooden shuriken back towards Hashirama who launched out of the way. Izuna and Madara stood side by side, as Hashirama returned to Tobirama. Hashirama spoke, "Their eyes...Tobirama, we're leaving." Tobirama nodded, and the two Senju brothers both slammed their hands together, then raced through handseals.

"Mokuton:Spell:Grand Tree Migration."

"Water Magic:Spell:Great Soaring Wave."

A Tree rose from the ground, enveloping the two Senju. Izuna and Madara raced forward in an attempt to destroy the tree, only for Tobirama to create a massive wave of water that crashed the Uchiha brothers back. The tree merged back into the ground, taking the Senju brothers with it.

Madara slammed his fist on the ground, screaming in anger. "Izuna...the Senju will die." Izuna nodded, anger written across his face as well. Madara looked at Hitomi's body, his anger fading back into sadness. "...Take Hitomi's body. Give her a burial worthy of a Clan Head." Izuna grabbed Hitomi's body gently, and began walking away. Madara looked at where the Senju were previously, and snarled in anger. He had failed, and Hitomi had paid the price.

But no longer. Even if it took the Uchiha a thousand years...The Senju Clan will die.
